Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Beast Eats Two, Then Pays the Price

Elisabeth, a young girl known to some as "Little Red Riding Hood" and her grandmother survived after being eaten by a wolf in a cottage deep in the woods. Fortunately both were discovered by a huntsman in the afternoon hours when he cut the wolf open revealing the two traumatized victims.
As thoughtful as Elisabeth's bread, sweet butter, and wine was, it could not stop the two from being deceived and subsequently eaten by a starving wolf. According to police reports, the malicious wolf convinced the young girl to travel off the path to pick wildflowers as he continued on to the grandmother's cottage. By pretending to be the women's granddaughter, he entered the house and promptly ate the ill and elderly victim. As the afternoon continued, the wolf lay in the grandmother's bed waiting for the young girl to arrive at the cottage. When the time came, he tricked the child into believing he was her sickly grandmother, despite her questioning of his "big, hairy ears and bright shinny eyes". She too, fell victim to the wolf's hunger scheme and eventually both grandmother and granddaughter were reunited in the creature's stomach.
Luckily, the beast would not prevail, as his loud snores alerted a nearby huntsman who began investigating the disturbance. Noticing something out of the ordinary, the huntsman cut open the wolf to reveal both victims that although terrified, were still alive.

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